-Perchloric etch

-Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)
-Potassium Chloride
-Potassium Hydroxide
-Sodium Acetate
-Sodium Bicarbonate
-Sodium Caprylate
-Sodium Carbonate
-Sodium Chloride
-Sodium Citrate
-Sodium Cyanide
-Sodium Hydroxide
-Sodium Hypochlorite
-Sodium Phosphate
-Tris HCL
-Yeast Extract


Chlorine (aka Chlorine Gas) is primarily produced by the electrolysis of sodium chloride, with a by-product of sodium chloride. 

Market Dynamics:
Chlorine is a poisonous gas and, for public safety, is produced on a JIT basis. Because sodium chloride is a by-product of chlorine production, an excess supply of chlorine can cause a shortage of sodium hydroxide (basically, if you have too much chlorine gas and no place to put it, you can't make sodium hydroxide). 

Up Stream Materials/Building Blocks:

Sodium Chloride

Sodium Hydroxide (Co-product relationship)

Down Stream Materials Consuming Chlorine:

The primary consumer of chlorine is Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC). Demand for PVC (and availability of chlorine and sodium hydroxide) depends on the construction market.

Other downstream materials:

-Actyl decylmethyl ammonium chloride
-Alky dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride
-Allyl chloride
-Benzyl chloride
-Carbon tetrachloride
-Dioctyl dimethyl ammonium chloride
-EDTA Acid
-Guanidine Hydrochloride
-Hydrochloric Acid
-Hydrogen Chloride
